Nokia N900 and iPhone headsets?

For a geek like me, the Nokia N900 is paradise on earth: It’s full Debian Linux in your bag. It has the best IM integration I have ever seen on any mobile device. It has the best VoIP (Skype, SIP) integration I have ever seen on any mobile device and it has one of the coolest multitasking implementations I’ve seen on any mobile device (the card-based task/application switching is fantastic).

Unfortunately, there’s one thing that prevents me from using it (or many other phones) to replace my iPhone: While the whole world agreed on one way to wire a microphone/headphone combination, Apple thought it wise to do it another way, which leads to Apple compatible headsets not working with the N900.

By not working I don’t just mean “no microphone” or even “no sound”. No. I mean “deafening buzzing on both the left and right channel and headset still not being recognized in the software”.

The problem is that I already own iPhone compatible headsets and that it’s way easier to get good iPhone compatible ones around here. I’m constantly listening to audio on my phone (Podcast, Audiobooks). Having to grab the phone out of my bag and unplugging the headphones whenever it rings is inacceptable to me, so I need to have a microphone with my headphones.

Just now though, I found a small adapter which promises to solve that problem, proving once again, that there’s nothing that’s not being sold on the internet.

I ordered one (thankfully one of the international shipping options was less than the adapter itself – something I’m not used to with the smaller stores), so we’ll see how that goes. If it means that I can use a N900 as my one and only device, I’ll be a very happy person indeed.

Do spammers find pleasure in destroying fun stuff?

Recently, while reading through the log file of the mail relay used by tempalias, I noticed a disturbing trend: Apparently, SPAM was being sent through tempalias.

I’ve seen various behaviours. One was to strangely create an alias per second to the same target and then delivering email there.

While I completely fail to understand this scheme, the other one was even more disturbing: Bots were registering {max-usage: 1, days: null} aliases and then sending one mail to them – probably to get around RBL checks they’d hit when sending SPAM directly.

Aside of the fact that I do not want to be helping spammers, this also posed a technical issue: node.js head which I was running back when I developed the service tended to leak memory at times forcing me to restart the service here and then.

Now the additional huge load created by the bots forced me to do that way more often than I wanted to. Of course, the old code didn’t run on current node any more.

Hence I had to take tempalias down for maintenance.

A quick look at my commits on GitHub will show you what I have done:

  • the tempalias SMTP daemon now does RBL checks and immediately disconnects if the connected host is listed.
  • the tempalias HTTP daemon also does RBL checks on alias creation, but it doesn’t check the various DUL lists as the most likely alias creators are most certainly listed in a DUL
  • Per IP, aliases can only be generated every 30 seconds.

This should be some help. In addition, right now, the mail relay is configured to skip sender-checks and sa-exim scans (Spam Assassin on SMTP time as to reject spam before even accepting it into the system) for hosts where relaying is allowed. I intend to change that so that sa-exim and sender verify is done regardless if the connecting host is the tempalias proxy.

Looking at the mail log, I’ve seen the spam count drop to near-zero, so I’m happy, but I know that this is just a temporary victory. Spammers will find ways around the current protection and I’ll have to think of something else (I do have some options, but I don’t want to pre-announce them here for obvious reasons).

On a more happy note: During maintenance I also fixed a few issues with the Bookmarklet which should now do a better job at not coloring all text fields green eventually and at using the target site’s jQuery if available.

Windows 2008 / NAT / Direct connections

Yesterday I ran into an interesting problem with Windows 2008’s implementation of NAT (don’t ask – this was the best solution – I certainly don’t recommend using Windows for this purpose).

Whenever I enabled the NAT service, I was unable to reliably connect to the machine via remote desktop or even any other service that machine was offering. Packets sent to the machine were dropped as if a firewall was in between, but it wasn’t and the Windows firewall was configured to allow remote desktop connections.

Strangely, sometimes and from some hosts I was able to make a connection, but not consistently.

After some digging, this turned out to be a problem with the interface metrics and the server tried to respond over the interface with the private address that wasn’t routed.

So if you are in the same boat, configure the interface metrics of both interfaces manually. Set the metric of the private interface to a high value and the metrics of the public (routed) one to a low value.

At least for me, this instantly fixed the problem.

Google Apps – Provisioning – Two-Legged OAuth

Our company uses Google Apps premium for Email and shared documents, but in order to have more freedom in email aliases, in order to have more control over email routing and finally, because there are a couple of local parts we use to direct mail to some applications, all our mail, even though it’s created in Google Apps and finally ends up in Google Apps, goes via a central mail relay we are running ourselves (well. I’m running it).

Google Apps premium allows you to do that and it’s a really cool feature.

One additional thing I’m doing on that central relay is to keep a backup of all mail that comes from Google or goes to Google. The reason: While I trust them not to lose my data, there are stories around of people losing their accounts to Googles anti-spam automatisms. This is especially bad as there usually is nobody to appeal to.

So I deemed it imperative that we store a backup of every message so we can move away from google if the need to do so arises.

Of course that means though that our relay needs to know what local parts are valid for the google apps domain – after all, I don’t want to store mail that would later be bounced by google. And I’d love to bounce directly without relaying the mail unconditionally, so that’s another reason why I’d want to know the list of users.

Google provides their provisioning API to do that and using the GData python packages, you can easily access that data. In theory.

Up until very recently, the big problem was that the provisioning API didn’t support OAuth. That meant that my little script that retreives the local parts had to have a password of an administrator which is something that really bugged me as it meant that either I store my password in the script or I can’t run the script from cron.

With the Google Apps Marketplace, they fixed that somewhat, but it still requires a strange dance:

When you visit the OAuth client configuration (, it lists you domain with the note “This client has access to all APIs.”.

This is totally not true though as Google’s definition of “all” apparently doesn’t include “Provisioning” :-)

To make two-legged OAuth work for the provisioning API, you have to explicitly list the feeds. In my case, this was Users and Groups:

Under “Client Name”, add your domain again (“”) and unter One or More API Scopes, add the two feeds like this: “,”

This will enable two-legged OAuth access to the user and group lists which is what I need in my little script:

import gdata.apps.service
import gdata.apps.groups.service

consumer_key = 'YOUR.DOMAIN'
consumer_secret = 'secret' #check advanced / OAuth in you control panel
sig_method = gdata.auth.OAuthSignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1

service = gdata.apps.service.AppsService(domain=consumer_key)
service.SetOAuthInputParameters(sig_method, consumer_key, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, two_legged_oauth=True)

res = service.RetrieveAllUsers()
for entry in res.entry:
    print entry.login.user_name

service = gdata.apps.groups.service.GroupsService(domain=consumer_key)
service.SetOAuthInputParameters(sig_method, consumer_key, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, two_legged_oauth=True)
res = service.RetrieveAllGroups()
for entry in res:
    print entry['groupName']