Domain grabbers – love’em

Well… is gone. I forgot to pay the renewal fee for one single day and the next day, the domain is in the hands of a domain grabber. I’m sure, has some sort of deal with them to automatically forward expired domains.

I’m really grateful for that. And I’m also grateful that I did not get a warning in advance (which happened because of a wrong address in their database – mea culpa).

So: Visit for my personal webpage.

To be honest, I would not have resurrected the thing if it was only about, but I had lots of other services running on subdomains, services on which I depend on (like the administration tool for this blog)

Well… if you are one of the users of any of those services, replace with and continue to use them as usual.

Stupid domain grabbers

Nice font…

I have my windows set up with ClearType™ enabled. Now, for Longhorn, they have created some new fonts, specially hinted for configurations with ClearType™ enabled. One of them – Consolas – has a fixed width and is for use in programming environements for exmple.

Sample Screenshot

I really like this font. It’s very easily readable but still looks great and smoothed.

Unfortunately, in environements without cleartype, it looks really crappy. One of those environements, unfortunately still is the Java Runtime and with this the Zend Studio. Actually, no single font i’ve tried in there looks acceptable. The best of them – still – is Courier New which is a real pain.

What I liked most about Consolas is also visible on the screenshot: Usually I’m working on a bright-on-dark editor scheme because it makes the thing a whole lot more readable for me. With consolas I don’t need this any more. The font looks good and readable even on a white background. This in turn takes away a lot of strain from my eyes.

Nice. I’ve copied it over from my Lonhorn VMware-Image to my default working-environement and I’m really, really happy